- 1 map of the world (I also had a US map since we had a lot of missionaries who served in the US)
- information about current & former missionaries serving from your ward
- depending on your ward you could choose to limit this to only those somehow involved in Primary (parents, teachers, etc.) or you could try to find out everyone possible.
- small icons for each elder/sister (I drew my own, but you could probably find one somewhere)
- envelopes (if you have more than 7-8 missionaries), marker to label envelopes
- tape
- list of songs you want to sing (one song per envelope/missionary)
Set up:
- Label each icon with the name and mission of that missionary (for example: "Sister Smith, Baltimore Maryland").
- Depending on your numbers, place groups of missionaries in envelopes together. If you only have 7-8 missionaries, skip this step and just pick a song for each missionary.
- Try to get your missionaries into 7-8 groups so you can have a song for each group.
- Depending on your numbers you may end up with some missionaries in groups and some not in groups. Whatever it takes to get 7-8 groups/missionaries.
- We had a lot of missionaries and ended up grouping by continent, as well as splitting the US and having a separate group for Central America.
- Label each envelope with a number so you know which song it corresponds to.
- Have tape pieces rolled and ready to stick the missionaries to the maps.
- If you only have a few missionaries, hang them around the room where the children can find them.
- If you have a bunch of envelopes, put them on a table so the children can pick from them
- If you have some combination of missionaries/envelopes, do whatever you think would work best for your Primary!
Game play:
- Have a child choose an envelope or missionary.
- BEFORE they put the missionary on the map, have them read the missionary's name(s) and the name(s) of their mission(s). Also announce the song.
- Have the Primary begin singing while the child puts the missionar(ies) on the map.
- If you have an envelope with a lot of missionaries, have two children come up and help each other put them on the map.
- For Junior Primary I had their teacher come up and help them.
- If you feel inclined, you can turn it into a race (try to get the missionaries on the map before the Primary finishes singing the song).
- Make sure to end with your testimony about missionary work and how you hope you'll one day be able to add their names to the map!
I shared this idea with my President, and she LOVED it! We are both excited about doing this in October, after the program. We're gathering the information this Sunday during third hour, since it's combined, which means a clipboard will get us 90% of the info we'll need from branch members. We're also asking for each missionary's favorite Primary song, and may turn it into a game of them trying to guess whose it is.