Monday, February 10, 2014

Pioneer Day

I like to pull this one out on whatever Sunday happens to be closest to July 24th. It tends to be a crazy singing time, but the kids LOVE it!

I chose only four of the pioneer songs in the Songbook since the kids in my Primary aren't at all familiar with the songs. If you feel like your Primary could do more/different songs, go for it! But this activity is specifically designed for the songs I chose. 

Supplies needed:
  • 4 pictures to hang on the board:
    • people pulling a handcart (The Handcart Song p.220)
    • oxen pulling a wagon (The Oxcart p. 219)
    • pioneer children walking (Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked p. 214)
    • pioneer family (To Be A Pioneer p. 218)
  • wagon (large enough for a child to ride in)
  • Items needed for The Handcart Song
    • wagon
    • poster of the Salt Lake Temple
  • Items needed for The Oxcart
    • wagon
    • two pictures of an ox with string attached (so they can be worn around a child's neck)
  • Items needed for Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked 
    • bar of soap (keep it wrapped in paper, otherwise the kids like to pick at the soap)
    • toy hammer
    • small wooden toy (something a pioneer child would have played with)
    • scriptures
  • Items needed for To Be A Pioneer
    • wagon
    • a sign with "1,000 Miles" printed on it with a string attached (so it can be worn around a neck)
    • toy sword
    • packet of seeds
    • toy hammer
Set up:
  1. Obviously this singing time is heavy on the props. Try as best you can to separate your props into piles for each song (the wagon and the toy hammer will be used in multiple songs).
  2. Pin the four song pictures up on your board
  3. Try not to leave the wagon somewhere the kids can get to it easily. Otherwise you'll be pulling kids out of the wagon before Primary even starts.
Game play:
  1. Talk to the kids about Pioneer Day and why we celebrate it on July 24th. Then explain that we're going to be learning some songs about pioneers.
  2. Have a child come up and pick one of the pictures on the board. Sing the song using the following props and actions (I also sing each song at least twice to help the kids feel more familiar with it):
      1. The Handcart Song (p. 220)
        • you'll need SEVEN children to help with this one
          • "When pioneers moved to the West"--have a child point West
          • "With courage strong they met the test"--have a child flex his muscles
          • "They pushed their handcart all day long/And as they pushed they sang this song"--have a child push gently on the back of the wagon each time the word "push" is sung
          • "For some must push"--same as above, have child gently push on wagon
          • "and some must pull"--have another child at the front of the wagon gently pull when the word "pull" is sung
          • "As we go marching up the hill"--have a child march in place
          • "So merrily on our way we go"--have a child give their biggest smile
          • "Until we reach the Valley-o"--have child hold picture of Salt Lake Temple
        • have the Primary do the actions along with the children up front
      2. The Oxcart (p. 219)
        • you'll need THREE children to help with this one
          • Give two of the children the ox pictures to wear around their necks. The third child will ride in the wagon.
          • Have the two "oxen" GENTLY and SLOWLY pull the wagon around the Primary room as you sing
        • have the Primary march slowly in place while they sing
      3. Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked (p. 214)
        • you'll need SEVEN children to help with this one
          • "Pioneer children sang as they walked and walked and walked"--have a child walk in place to the beat. He will repeat this action EVERY time the phrase "walked and walked" is sung (3 times in the song).
          • "They washed in streams"--give a child the bar of soap and have them pretend to wash themselves with it
          • "And worked"--give a child the toy hammer and have them pretend to hammer something
          • "And played"--give a child the small toy and have them play with it
          • "Sundays they camped"--have a child make a tent/teepee shape with their arms over their head
          • "And read"--have a child hold open the scriptures
          • "And prayed"--have a child fold his arms and bow his head
          • "Week after week..."--back to your walking child!
        • have the Primary do the actions along with the children up front
      4. To Be A Pioneer (p. 218)
        • you'll need EIGHT children to help (including a pair of siblings/cousins, if possible)
          • "You don't have to push a handcart"--have a child gently push the wagon
          • "Leave your family dear"--have two children (siblings/cousins would be best) hug each other and pretend to be sad
          • "Or walk a thousand miles or more to be a pioneer"--hang the "1,000 Miles" sign around a child's neck and have him walk in place
          • "You do have to have great courage"--give a (very responsible) child the toy sword and have them hold it up triumphantly
          • "Faith to conquer fear"--give a child the packet of seeds and explain that "faith is like a little seed"
          • "And work with might"--give a child the toy hammer and have them pretend to hammer something
          • "For a cause that's right/To be a pioneer"--have a child point to the audience's right (their left)
        • have the Primary do the actions along with the children up front
  3. This is a crazy, fun activity, so make sure you give yourself a bit of time at the end to bring things to a nice, calm ending. Be sure to share your testimony of the importance of the pioneers (both those who walked the plains and their modern counterparts). 

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